Daddy and Lilly!
Love this picture!
Lilly in her cupcake outfit that Brittany Armstrong made for her!
My baby girl looking so sweet!
Today is my first day back to work! I am excited and also kinda sad. I only have to go to my Market Day sales in the afternoons/early evenings for about 3 hours and never on Fridays, so it is not so bad. Today I have to be at my sale at 5:30 and it will last until 7:30. Usually they are a bit earlier in the day, but today is a late one. I do love my job because it is not much work, it is fun, and Kyle can be home with the baby since his job is so flexible. If Kyle has a meeting or something, Grandma Wong is more than happy to watch Lilly! I am just so happy I do not have to take Lilly to daycare or have someone I don't know watch her everyday. That would be awful!!!!! I feel so blessed that I can just have this small part time job right now instead of a full time job. All I know is that God truly provides for you when you need Him to. We are truly blessed right now! There is no way i could return to a full time job! Lilly is still waking up about 3 times a night to eat, so mommy is not yet getting a lot of sleep. We usually sleep in till around 10 and then do our morning routing of getting Lilly washed up and dressed and then I will shower. The rest of my day is busy with feeding Lilly, pumping at least one bottle for the freezer, and cleaning up around the house. If I am lucky, I try to take a short nap while Lilly is napping!
Lilly is officially 1 month and 3 days old! At her 1 month check up, she weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz (gained 2 lbs 1 oz since birth) and is 21 3/4 in. long (gained 1 1/4 in. since birth). Our little girl is getting so big! She is almost a 9 pounder! Lilly is still a super good baby. She doesn't cry unless she is really hungry and is really easygoing. I am still trying hard to get her into a nightly routine. We usually give her a bath around 8:30 (she loves bath time)! After that she is usually awake until around 11:00 when I feed her for the last time before bed. Then she is usually up every 2-3 hours after that to eat. The other night I fed her around 11:30 and she did not wake up until 4:30 a.m to eat again!!! It was wonderful! I am hoping for more nights like this! I know it will come soon :-)
The forecast says snow for today and tomorrow, but we'll see, i'm guessing it won't snow! I just want it to be Fall for awhile! Hope you have a wonderful day!