Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas 2009
We had a wonderful Christmas! We had so much fun spending time with family, eating yummy food, and opening gifts on the 24th, 25th, & 26th. My only regret is that we did not make it to Christmas Eve Mass on the 24th. The one day I needed Lilly to nap well....she didn't :( Mass started at 6 in Kokomo, and since Lilly had only slept 30 min. the ENTIRE day...I let her sleep till 5:30 so we would not have to deal with a very cranky and sleep deprived baby all night. We did go straight to my grandparents in Kokomo and had a very fun night there. We had a gift exchange and played Taboo...always fun! Lilly did not get to bed until 11: 30 that night...yikes! She woke up around 9ish on Christmas morning. We opened gifts...Lilly's favorite: comfy pink chair! Then we packed up and went to the Wong's house around 12:30. Lilly napped there. We ate brunch and opened gifts. My favorite: a Keurig coffeemaker! Then we went to my parents in Logansport at 4:30. We were ALL completely exhausted by this point. We ate dinner and opened gifts at around 8:30....did I mention we were exhausted?? Our favorite gift: a Wii!! So we finally got Lilly to bed around 10. She woke up at 1 a.m. with a stuffy nose and I was up with her until 4:3o until I got my mom up to take care of her for awhile. She stayed up with Lil so I could get a few hours sleep. Lilly finally went back to sleep at 7 and slept until 9. Poor baby got a total of 5 hours sleep on Christmas night. I only got 4 :( So the 26th, we were all TIRED, sick, and ready to get home! I think the combination of a cold, different crib & room, and all of the holiday commotion really got to Lil. She always sleeps SO much better in her own room and bed. She won't even sleep with us in our bed!! So that is our Christmas story. I truly had one of the best Christmases ever. I loved seeing Lilly open her gifts and get so excited. I also love all of my wonderful gifts plus I LOVE watching people open up the gifts I got them. Hope yours was wonderful too!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas day tomorrow! We will be busy, busy, busy, but really looking forward to watching Lilly open her presents tomorrow morning...tomorrow afternoon...and tomorrow evening :)
Merry Christmas!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas day tomorrow! We will be busy, busy, busy, but really looking forward to watching Lilly open her presents tomorrow morning...tomorrow afternoon...and tomorrow evening :)
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
10 days till Christmas!

So I have been obsessed with watching 90210 on Soapnet for like the last month. I never watched it when I was younger, so they are all new to me! I seriously can't stop watching it! I even have it set to record all of the episodes just in case I happen to miss one. :) In case you are wondering, it is on weekdays from 11-1 & 5, Sat. from 11-3, and Sun. from 8-11. Is it sad that I know that? Probably....but oh well...just can't get enough of Dylan, Brandon, Kellie, Brenda, Steve, Donna, David, & Andrea!
Christmas is in 10 days!! I am super excited for Christmas morning...Lilly will actually be able to open her gifts and possibly be excited about them! It will be a crazy busy day for us which I am kinda dreading. Christmas for us in the morning, nap for Lilly, Christmas at the Wongs at 12, and up to Logansport for Christmas with the Marcheses at 5. Not to mention Christmas Eve in Kokomo and day after Christmas with my Grandpa in Logan....I am tired just thinking about it! Poor Lilly's schedule is going to be all messed up!
Lil is doing so great. She will be 15 months old on Dec. 24. She is growing out of her 18 month clothes already! Lilly is just the love of my life. I am SO blessed to have such an amazing daughter!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
This year I am thankful for:

My beautiful baby Lilly,

my handsome hubby Kyle,

and my wonderful mom, dad, brother, & future sis in law.
I am thankful for my job at Market Day, Kyle's new job at Traveler's Insurance (hoping we won't have to move), Tucker's new family, every single thing Lilly does :) Also thankful for my health, home, etc.....
I am very blessed! We will be enjoying 2 Thanksgivings this year. Tomorrow we will be at my parents in Logansport, and Friday we will be celebrating with Kyle's family in Carmel. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

My beautiful baby Lilly,

my handsome hubby Kyle,

and my wonderful mom, dad, brother, & future sis in law.
I am thankful for my job at Market Day, Kyle's new job at Traveler's Insurance (hoping we won't have to move), Tucker's new family, every single thing Lilly does :) Also thankful for my health, home, etc.....
I am very blessed! We will be enjoying 2 Thanksgivings this year. Tomorrow we will be at my parents in Logansport, and Friday we will be celebrating with Kyle's family in Carmel. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
New Pictures!
She is a very beautiful, spunky, and happy 13 month old! We just love her SO much! She gets into everything, walks around our entire house nonstop, loves to climb stairs, is completely fearless, only cries when she is tired & cranky, loves to eat cheese, sleeps all night long (usually), and loves her mommy & daddy!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Finally posting...

I'm back!! October has been a busy month. We celebrated Lilly's 1st birthday with a Princess Party!! She had a lot of fun and got a lot of nice gifts. She is a very lucky girl! At her 1 year check up, Lil was 19 lbs. 7 oz. and about 32 in. long. She is in the 25th % for weight and the 95% for height!! She is my teeny tiny tall girl! I weighed 19 lbs when I was 1 year also so that is kinda funny...just following in her mommys footsteps. Lilly started really walking about a week after her birthday. Now she is walking everywhere!! She is completely off the bottle and formula, which is such a relief to us. I was getting so tired of washing bottles and buying formula!! She now goes through about 2 gallons of whole milk a week.
Kyle & I have been busy working and trying to keep our house clean cause Lilly the Tornado messes it up every day! We celebrated our 3 year anniversary on Oct. 7 with dinner at The Melting Pot (good, but not worth the cost) and a movie (Couples Retreat). It was a nice way to celebrate!
We also found our dog Tucker a new home. It was so so so so so sad, and we still miss him soooo much. We pretty much had to because of my allergies. I am allergic to dogs, but when we got him 3 years ago, we thought he would be good because he is part poodle. Well, my health has went completely downhill since then. I relied on Singulair, allergy medicine, and my inhalers every day to just breathe. So it was time. He has a much better home. He is living with my grandma's sister and she loves him like he is her baby. He gets all of the attention, baths every week, new toys all the time, he even got his baby teeth removed which we would never do. He is also going to FL with them for 2 months this Winter. He is very happy and she keeps me updated with emails and pictures. Our house feels very lonely without him :(
I will post more pictures later...
I will post more pictures later...
Have a good week!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Lilly's New Words & 25 firsts!
Lilly is just a little chatterbox lately! She is starting to repeat things!! Her favorite words are: dada, dog, Kyle (pronounce dial or tyle), I love you (sounds like I ove uuuu), and last night she said Taylor (she has an Uncle Taylor).....she is amazing!! Seriously smart girl! This morning i caught her trying to put my sandels on her feet. So cute! She can do SOOO BIG (throws her arms in the air), show me where her belly is, give high fives, clap, tries to put her bows in her hair, turns her book over if it is upside down, and loves to dance! I just love, love, love my sweet girl!
Found this on another blog and thought it would be fun!
"25 Firsts"
1. Who was your first prom date? Jeremy...I went when I was a freshman and he was a senior.
2. Do you still talk to your first love? Ummm...also Jeremy and sometimes...
3. What was your first alcoholic drink? I think when we were in 8th grade my friends and I took a beer out of her parents fridge and shared it between the 6 of us!
4. What was your first job? Kmart...I loved it because we were never ever busy, so I looked at magazines and stood at the cash register!
5. What was your first car? a white Oldsmobile Achieva when i was 16!
6. Who was the first person to text you today? No texts yet, its still early!
7. Who was the first person you thought of this morning? My Lilly :)
8. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Bonsett...she was so much fun! I remember her standing on a chair and dancing around to shake up paint.
9. Where did you go on your first flight in a plane? Bahamas!
10. Who was your first best friend and do you still talk? Amber Kay Borman...very first best friend and no we do not still talk. Unfortunately we ended up being very different as we grew up!
11. Where was your first sleepover? Hmmmm....maybe Elizabeth's house...can't remember though.
12. Who was the first person you talked to today? Lilly...my hubby is in Ohio on a business trip :(
13. Whose wedding were you in for the first time? My Aunt Debbie's wedding. My cousin & I were both 3 and flowergirls!
14. What was the first thing you did this morning? Got ready super quickly so I could get us packed up! I take a little girl to kindergarten every morning so I have to be up and ready by 6:30 am....
15. What was the first concert you went to? This is really funny...50 Cent....I went with my friends from D & R (summer job)
16. First tattoo? None
17. First piercing? My ears...i think i was 3 or 4 when they were done.
18. First foreign country you went to? Hmmm..none unless we are counting the Bahamas?!
19. First movie you remember seeing? I'm sure I saw many more before this...but Hocus Pocus was my all time favorite movie when I was little...I still love it!!
20. What state did you first live in? Indiana
21. Who was your first room mate? Devin Miller...we were roomies at Purdue our freshman year!
22. When was your first detention? I was a good child...no detention for me!
23. What is one thing you would learn, given the chance? Sign Langauge...I tried to take it in college every year but there was always a waiting list...guess i should have been on the list :)
24. Who will be the next person to post this? No idea!
Found this on another blog and thought it would be fun!
"25 Firsts"
1. Who was your first prom date? Jeremy...I went when I was a freshman and he was a senior.
2. Do you still talk to your first love? Ummm...also Jeremy and sometimes...
3. What was your first alcoholic drink? I think when we were in 8th grade my friends and I took a beer out of her parents fridge and shared it between the 6 of us!
4. What was your first job? Kmart...I loved it because we were never ever busy, so I looked at magazines and stood at the cash register!
5. What was your first car? a white Oldsmobile Achieva when i was 16!
6. Who was the first person to text you today? No texts yet, its still early!
7. Who was the first person you thought of this morning? My Lilly :)
8. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Bonsett...she was so much fun! I remember her standing on a chair and dancing around to shake up paint.
9. Where did you go on your first flight in a plane? Bahamas!
10. Who was your first best friend and do you still talk? Amber Kay Borman...very first best friend and no we do not still talk. Unfortunately we ended up being very different as we grew up!
11. Where was your first sleepover? Hmmmm....maybe Elizabeth's house...can't remember though.
12. Who was the first person you talked to today? Lilly...my hubby is in Ohio on a business trip :(
13. Whose wedding were you in for the first time? My Aunt Debbie's wedding. My cousin & I were both 3 and flowergirls!
14. What was the first thing you did this morning? Got ready super quickly so I could get us packed up! I take a little girl to kindergarten every morning so I have to be up and ready by 6:30 am....
15. What was the first concert you went to? This is really funny...50 Cent....I went with my friends from D & R (summer job)
16. First tattoo? None
17. First piercing? My ears...i think i was 3 or 4 when they were done.
18. First foreign country you went to? Hmmm..none unless we are counting the Bahamas?!
19. First movie you remember seeing? I'm sure I saw many more before this...but Hocus Pocus was my all time favorite movie when I was little...I still love it!!
20. What state did you first live in? Indiana
21. Who was your first room mate? Devin Miller...we were roomies at Purdue our freshman year!
22. When was your first detention? I was a good child...no detention for me!
23. What is one thing you would learn, given the chance? Sign Langauge...I tried to take it in college every year but there was always a waiting list...guess i should have been on the list :)
24. Who will be the next person to post this? No idea!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Last Saturday, Lilly & I spent the night at my parents house since Kyle had to go to a Bachelor party in Chicago. We had lots of fun...AWESOME deal shopping at Kmart with my future sis-in-law, apple orchard, more shopping, etc... Have I mentioned my little brother is getting married?! He got engaged about a month ago and they are busy planning their wedding which will be next Sept. 25! My new sis-in-law is awesome! Her name is Hayley and she fits in perfectly with my family. We had so much fun shopping together....seriously running around kmart at 9:55 PM! I am so excited for Hayley to be a part of my family.
So anyway...Kmart had double coupons up to $2 last week (last day was Sat. when I went). I am so into coupons and getting good deals that I was SO excited for this. If I was smart I would have gone every day that week! Seriously though I got so so so much stuff for $35 total. Here is a list of everything I think I got...I may be missing some stuff...but I will post a picture! I basically paid for formula & diapers and got everything else for next to nothing.
Huggies Diapers
2 Huggies wipes
Dove deoderant
Crunch & Clean Dog treats
4 Reeses
Mayballine (sp?) Mascara
Cover Girl Nail Polish
3 Kotex Lightdays
Strawberry Mini Wheats Cereal
Shirt for Lilly
6 pack Zest Soap
Hmmmm.......can't remember what else!
Anyway...I love good deals, so I was thrilled about all of these awesome deals!
In other news...Lilly will be 1 in about 2 weeks. CRAZY...can't believe one year ago she was still in my belly and now she is such a big girl. A beautiful, funny, sweet, spunky, and just plain amazing big girl. Actually she is my teeny tiny girl. I think she only weighs about 20 lbs, but she is very tall. Tall & skinny like her daddy & mommy! Did I mention she is having a PRINCESS birthday party in 2 weeks?? She is, and I am getting ready to order her a cutie patootie tutu outfit from Etsy. Have a great weekend!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Happy 11 Months Lilly!
My baby is 11 months old today!! I can't believe she will be 1 in one month! Lilly is still an absolutely sweet baby, but is also getting her own little personality (and temper-yikes!). She can be the sweetest thing, giving hugs & kisses to everyone--including her family, all her toys, and even Tucker. She loves animals. Her favorites are kitties, doggies, pigs, and cows. She can 'woof woof' and 'mooooooooo'. She also loves to look at books. She will sit and look at a book for quite a while and loves when we read to her. Lilly is also super smart (we think :)). When she is holding the book upside down, she knows and turns it rightside up. She also just seems to learn things very quickly (except the word NO)! She says 'HI' to everyone she sees (over and over again!) and also 'dada', 'dog', and 'mama'. She has the BEST smile...she grins from ear to ear and it is absolutely adorable. She is so good natured and usually very easy-going. She is incredibly independent and wants to do everything herself! Lilly has a little sense of humor too. She loves to laugh and knows how to get a laugh out of mom & dad! She also has a temper!! When she gets frustrated or we take something away from her, she gets SO mad! She will throw herself on the ground and sob...she is our little drama queen! We are working on 'NO' with Lil, and it is not going so well. She pretty much just smiles or gets mad and does it again. But it is a work in progress and she will eventually learn. I just love love love her sweet little hugs. She wraps both of her little arms around my neck and squeezes her face in my neck or shoulder. LOVE IT!! Lilly can crawl extremely fast. I have a feeling when she learns to walk, she will just go straight to running!! She stands up and cruises on furniture..so walking is probably in the near future. We are currently working on table food. She is not so thrilled with real veggies and fruit, but we have found a few winners. She likes peas, toast, applesauce, potatoes, and LOVES cheese. Lilly loves taking baths, walking with her walker, playing with Tucker, going on walks, swinging, and loves her mommy & daddy. We are so incredibly blessed and lucky to have such an amazing, loving, fun, and feisty little girl! We love you tons Lilly!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Just Venting..
Today was a little stressful. Nothing big happened...just tiny little things slowly making me more annoyed as the day went on.
First of all, I woke up early to a stormy yucky day.
Had a meeting at Starbucks this morning where I got COMPLETELY drenched...seriously, my skirt was sopping..I could squeeze water out of it.
Lilly was incredibly cranky all day...teething :(
I picked her up and we bumped foreheads, and now we both have bumps :(
Stupid Tucker ruined our blinds in the guest bedroom! I went out to get the mail and he freaked! Completely tore down and broke the blinds...
...I fed Lil and then gave her a bath. I left her half full baby food containers on the table. I came downstairs to find food and shredded paper towels ALL over the floor...AHHH Tucker!!! I am very close to opening the door and saying bye bye Tucker.
My house is still a mess from getting home from vacation. Our suitcases are still downstairs. I feel like I can't catch up!!
I still haven't been to the grocery since we've been home, so blah mozzerella sticks and frozen pizza for dinner. gross!!!
Okay...done venting. :)
First of all, I woke up early to a stormy yucky day.
Had a meeting at Starbucks this morning where I got COMPLETELY drenched...seriously, my skirt was sopping..I could squeeze water out of it.
Lilly was incredibly cranky all day...teething :(
I picked her up and we bumped foreheads, and now we both have bumps :(
Stupid Tucker ruined our blinds in the guest bedroom! I went out to get the mail and he freaked! Completely tore down and broke the blinds...
...I fed Lil and then gave her a bath. I left her half full baby food containers on the table. I came downstairs to find food and shredded paper towels ALL over the floor...AHHH Tucker!!! I am very close to opening the door and saying bye bye Tucker.
My house is still a mess from getting home from vacation. Our suitcases are still downstairs. I feel like I can't catch up!!
I still haven't been to the grocery since we've been home, so blah mozzerella sticks and frozen pizza for dinner. gross!!!
Okay...done venting. :)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Isle of Palms
We went to Isle of Palms, SC last week! We had a super great time and Lilly looooooved the beach & ocean! This baby loves the water. Pool, bathtub, ocean...she even dunks her face by herself and laughs...too cute! We had some yummy food there as well.
Saturday: Delicious BBQ at Hometeam bbq
Sunday: Sushi and Hibachi at Yamato
Monday: 5 Guys burgers!
Tuesday: California Dreamin'...i got a shrimp sandwich on french bread...weird, but good!
Wednesday: Scallops & shrimp at Morgan Creek Grill
Thursday: YUM crab legs and Pina Colada at Gilligans
Friday: Pizza for lunch and taco bell on the way home :)
Gotta love eating out everyday!! We did a lot of swimming, reading, walking on the beach, looking for shells, eating ice cream, laying out, eating, playing Harry Potter Uno, euchre, and we even managed to play some beer pong! Don't worry, Lilly was sleeping :)
Here are some pictures!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Catching up...
Here are Lilly's 9 month pictures taken by Grandma Julie! They are all so good, it was hard to pick which ones to order! We have been busy, busy, and not so busy! I guess I feel as if I am busy all the time cause we have an incredibly energetic almost 10 month old!! Lilly is constantly on the go! Crawling and trying to stand up everywhere.
We are leaving for Isle of Palms, SC on Friday evening...Wish us luck as we travel 12hours with a baby! We chose to drive through the night in hopes that she will sleep the whole time. Can't wait to show her the beach for the first time!

We are leaving for Isle of Palms, SC on Friday evening...Wish us luck as we travel 12hours with a baby! We chose to drive through the night in hopes that she will sleep the whole time. Can't wait to show her the beach for the first time!

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