Hello everyone! I can't believe the weekend is over already! We had a very nice and busy weekend. On Friday night, we had dinner at Charlestons...yum...then ice cream at Dairy Queen...YUM!!!! Instead of the mint oreo blizzard, I had a mint brownie blizzard...delicious!! After that, we went and rented Role Models....SO Funny! On Saturday I cleaned almost all day and in the evening we played cards (euchre) with Matt & Cassie (our best friends who are now roomies :-)). On Sunday, we had a double date with Matt and Melissa at Kona Grill. Love sushi!!!
So lately I've been feeling very guilty because I did not give something up for Lent. I do every year...and this year it just kind of slipped by. Even my non-Catholic husband gave up soda and candy! I did tell Kyle I wanted to give up nagging him and act more like a wife than his mother, which I am doing...and I feel we are so much closer now and arguing a lot less. Which is great...but I felt I really needed to give something up that I have a hard time living without. This is incredibly sad.....but I am totally addicted to chocolate. I eat some sort of chocolate about 3 times a day. Brownies, candy bars, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream....I love it all. Anyway, after consuming about 5 brownies and a chocolate bunny on Saturday, I decided to finally give up chocolate for Lent. I know it is about 3 weeks late, but at least i have the willpower to do it now, rather than never! I can't wait for Easter!! I think Lilly will be getting a lot of chocolate in her Easter basket! :-)
Lilly is now constantly rolling in her crib and making us very nervous. I looked at her monitor after I got out of the shower the other night, and she was sleeping on her tummy flat on her face with her paci in her mouth. It was so scary! So everytime she rolls, I go in and roll her back so it won't happen again. That means not very much sleep for mommy!! Oh well, better safe than sorry!