I had a great, relaxing Valentine's Day yesterday. In the morning Kyle made me breakfast and gave me lots of chocolate and a funny card. I went to see the new Shopaholic movie with Cassie, which was pretty good. Then yesterday evening me and Kyle rented Nick and Norah's Infinate Playlist (I think thats what it is called) and ordered yummy pizza! It was a very nice day! I really wanted to go to The Melting Pot and Kyle tried to make reservations 2 weeks ago and the only one he could get was at 10:45 pm!!! We said no way...too late. Maybe we will go there soon!!
So Lilly has been SO active lately! She is constantly moving, kicking, and rolling over! As soon as I lay her on her back, she immediately rolls over onto her stomach! A couple of mornings ago, I went in to get her from her crib. She was on her tummy, propped up on her elbows looking around! And...she was facing her crib bars and kicking her monitor!! Soooo funny... I also put her down for a nap yesterday and when I went to get her, her head was in the opposite direction than it was when I put her down! I have a feeling she will be crawling in no time. We are also getting ready to buy an activity jumper for Lilly. She will love it!!
1 comment:
She is so cute Karie! thanks for letting us see pictures. doesn't it go sooo fast?
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