Well we have been very busy lately. Lets see...last Friday we had a fun taco night at Cassie & Matt's house, YUM margaritas!! I can finally drink them now :-) On Saturday, I was gone all day helping my mom at a wedding. She is a photographer and is busy taking lots of wedding pictures now. On Sunday, Kyle went golfing with my dad and grandpa and I went up to Logansport to hang out with my mom, uncle, aunt Martina, and Nicole, Olivia, & Logan. Lilly loves playing with the kids! Monday was finally our day to relax!
Market Day is ending soon for the summer :-( and will start back up again in September. I am bummed because I had to go and look for a summer job! I did get a job at Kohl's, so I will be working there a few days a week. I love working for Market Day and I really don't want to work anywhere else! Oh well...
Lilly is doing great! She is still rolling everywhere and she can now get up on hands & knees and rocks back and forth. She also can crawl (or scoot I guess) backwards. It is pretty funny watching her! She is a very active baby. She is already in to everything! I love love love my baby Lilly!!!!