So tonight we had free KFC grilled chicken dinners and free fruiteas from Arby's!!! Gotta love free food! I have been going to (thanks Brittany for having this link on your blog) and finding a lot of great deals. I am trying really hard to be a money saving mom! We spend so much money every month eating out and buying things we really don't need. This website is awesome though!
Lil is 7 months old and soooo close to crawling. She usually gives up and just rolls everywhere. If she wants something, she just rolls right to it! Lilly was baptized on Saturday and was such a good girl! We had a reception at our house afterwards, and everyone loved spending time with Lilly. Lilly is truly the best little baby. She never cries unless she is starving. She is always so happy and smiling all the time. We are so blessed to have such an amazing baby. Everyone tells me our second child will be the complete opposite!!
Lilly has also been on formula for about 1 week straight now. I have been alternating between breastmilk and formula for about 3 weeks, and just recently decided it was time for the switch. I loved breastfeeding and everything that went with it, but I was just tired. It actually takes a lot of work especially since I was mainly pumping all day so that she could drink from a bottle (her preference).
Hope everyone has a great week!
1 comment:
She is so cute:) We went for free chicken too! can't beat that! hey, i was thinking about getting together....would june 13th be a good day?? i am just picking a day, so if it doesn't work we can pick another. kyle will be gone that weekend so i thought everyone could come here for lunch or something?? let me know what you think. hope you have a great weekend!
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