I can't believe it is already the end of June. So much has happened!
Lilly got her first tooth...and is working on some more.
I quit Kohl's, so I am now a stay at home mommy for the summer!
Lilly loves being in the pool and we are going to teach her to swim as soon as possible. She is our little waterbug!!
We have been going on many walks, going to the pool, and doing lots of swimming!
Lilly can army crawl/normal crawl and is in to everything!!! Her favorite things to get are Tucker's toys & bones, cords, magazines, and basically anything that isn't her own toys!
I got my very first speeding ticket :-( My mom, Lilly, and I were on our way to Ohio to visit my Uncle. We were just talking and I was paying no attention to how fast I was going...
I lost our check book about a week ago, so I am working very hard to find it!
We are excited to go on vacation to Isle of Palms, SC at the end of July!
Enjoy the pics...