Lilly & Daddy being silly!!
Lilly looking oh so sweet in a summery outfit!!
Tucker after I groomed him!! I cut his nails, brushed him, trimmed his hair, and cut all of his knots out!!
I have been incredibly busy this week. When I first started at Kohl's, they said I was not guarenteed very many hours a week...well they lied!! They scheduled me for 37.5 hours in my first week!!! It sucks...... I am going to finish working this week (ALL day Friday & Saturday) and then my schedule will start looking much better. I changed my availability so I will only be working a few days a more than 20 hours. I have not had a job standing on my feet all day for I don't even know how long...all I can say is this summer can not go fast enough...I want my Market Day back!!!
Miss Lil is doing just great. She is so funny...she makes the funniest faces. Right now her thing is to open her eyes really wide, shape her mouth like an o, and say ooooooo. It is soooo cute and makes us laugh every time! She also laughs at everything! Her favorite thing to laugh at is someone else laughing.
I am excited for tomorrow night. Kyle is taking me out to dinner for my birthday (which is the 7th). It is a surprise, all I told him was that I wanted to go to a yummy Thai restaurant. I love Thai food and haven't had it since our favorite place, The Thai House, closed a few months ago. to read my book and relax in a nice bath!
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