Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thankful days 4-12

Since I posted last, here is what i've been thankful for (i've been putting my thankful posts of facebook):

  • my warm, cozy bed :)
  • my parents, Bob & Julie Marchese--love them so much!  I think my mother is a super-mom who can and does do everything (cook, clean, work, and still have plenty of quality time with her children).  She is amazing!
  • my house!
  • my job at market day--this job gives me the opportunity to work when i want & stay home with Lilly.  there are so many benefits of working for market day!
  • my brother, Brad, and sister-in-law having a new best friend & coupon buddy!
  • great friends!
  • the Veterans who have & are still helping and working for our country!
Today i am thankful for coupons :)  Seems like a silly thing to be thankful for, but i love them.   They provide an awesome hobby for me while allowing me to save massive amounts of money for our family, which in turn has allowed me to stay at home a lot more with Lilly!  I remember before I couponed going to the grocery and spending like $150 on groceries every 1-2 weeks!  Now i spend around $50 every 2 weeks, buying fresh milk when needed.  We no longer have to make a monthly Walmart trip buying $50-$75 in toiletries.  We are completely stocked up on shampoo, conditioner, razors, shaving cream, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deoderant, body wash, lotion, etc.....  So anyway...yes, i am thankful for coupons.  :)

1 comment:

Julie said...

And I am soooo thankful for you Karie Kay you are a amazing daughter, wife and mother!!! I am so proud of you honey!!!