Thursday, March 31, 2011

30 Weeks

Well I am 30 weeks pregnant today!  My official due date is June 9, and i have a feeling the next 2 months will fly by.  It doesn't get any easier the closer my due date gets, I would have to say it gets worse.  Every week when we go in for a heartbeat check, I get so nervous and worrried.  What if they don't find it?  When i don't feel her for a few hours, I really get worried.  Every move she makes is such a joy.  I was talking to Kyle last night, and asked What if Valerie is born alive, breathes on her own, and is doing well?  I guess with all the odds stacked against her and everything the doctors tell us, it is hard to think differently.  But there are cases where a child with Trisomy 13 lives.  They are severely handicapped, but living.  I think we need to prepare ourselves for what life will be like if Valerie does live, and comes home with us :)  We've been so busy preparing ourselves for what happens if she doesn't live, we've forgotten to think about what happens if she does.  We know that if she is meant to born alive and breathe on her own, God will make sure that is what will happen.  We are putting all our trust in Him and know that whatever happens is the right thing and what is supposed to happen.  Everything, including ours and Valeries futures, are in His hands.

So no new news here...just waiting and trying to think positively and praying for that miracle that we know is still a possibility.  I think the only things left to do are our weekly heartbeat checks/dr. visits and a visit to the NICU at St. V's.  I would love to have at least one more ultrasound in hopes of getting some good pictures of our little girl.  Although in less than 10 weeks, we will meet Valerie and see her beautiful little face! 

We have to move Lilly to her big girl bed soon.  But I am sooooooo dreading it!  She may surprise me, but i have a feeling she will be up multiple times during the night.  I like her safe & confined to her crib :)  We also still need to get rid of the stinking paci!  She actually does really well and only has it when she is in her crib.  She is really good about taking it out of her mouth and putting it down when I come and get her in the mornings.   Maybe we will make that transition after the bed?  Will it make her switch to the bed easier??  Any suggestions?  I am still SO happy she was never a thumb-sucker.  Much easier to throw away a paci instead of the thumb ;) 

We love both of our girls so much!!!! 


Julie said...

God has a wonderful plan for our little Valerie, here with us or in heaven with him. we are so blessed to have her in your belly, everytime I see you your belly, our little Valerie is growing just like a normal pregnacy I love it. You are such a wonderful mommy... you take such good care of yourself and her. she is so lucky to have you as her mommy and I'm so lucky to have you as my daughter!! Love you and both my grandaughters!! so so much!!!

Mandy & Jeremy Hall said...

Mia did SO well transitioning into her big girl bed. NEVER got out of bed once during the night. SHe just got up realllllllly early the first few mornings. Now she goes to bed at 7 with no fuss, and I wake her up at 7! There is hope that she will adjust just fine--I was a nervous wreck about it, all for nothing :) GOod luck!